Structuring — is the legal term to describe the issue of transactions structured to avoid certain record keeping and reporting requirements mandated by law, such as the United States s Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and/or 26 USC 6050I (Form 8300). [cite book | author … Wikipedia
structuring — index building (business of assembling) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Structuring element — In mathematical morphology, a structuring element (s.e.) is a shape, used to probe or interact with a given image, with the purpose of drawing conclusions on how this shape fits or misses the shapes in the image. It is typically used in… … Wikipedia
structuring — Synonyms and related words: allocation, allotment, anatomy, apportionment, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, array, arraying, assemblage, assembly, build, building, buildup, collation, collocation, combination, composition, compound,… … Moby Thesaurus
structuring — struc·ture || strÊŒktʃə(r) n. building; something created from a number of interconnecting parts; manner in which something is constructed v. organize, arrange, give form to … English contemporary dictionary
structuring — … Useful english dictionary
Structuring Bank — (структурирующий банк) инвестиционный банк, ответственный за координацию сделки по секьюритизации с различными заинтересованными лицами: оригинатором/клиентом, различными юридическими фирмами, рейтинговыми агентствами и др. Обычно структурирующий … Ипотека. Словарь терминов
Document structuring — is a subtask of Natural language generation, which involves deciding the order and grouping (for example into paragraphs) of sentences in a generated text. It is closely related to the Content determination NLG task. Contents 1 Example 2… … Wikipedia
Document Structuring Conventions — Document Structuring Conventions, or DSC, is a set of standards for PostScript, based on the use of comments, which primarily specifies a way to structure a PostScript file and a way to expose that structure in a machine readable way. A… … Wikipedia
Democratic structuring — The principles of democratic structuring were defined by Jo Freeman in The Tyranny of Structurelessness , first delivered as a talk in 1970, later published in the Berkeley Journal of Sociology in 1972. They were influential in power network… … Wikipedia
Knowledge Acquisition and Documentation Structuring — (KADS) is a structured way of developing knowledge based systems (expert systems). It was developed at the University of Amsterdam as an alternative to an evolutionary approach and is now accepted as the European standard for knowledge based… … Wikipedia